Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Snapping at people while leashed

* Cowering when a family member enters the room

* Refusal to get into his crate

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Aggression toward other dogs in the home

* Aggression when petted

* Leash aggression toward other dogs on a walk

* Lunging at other dogs on a walk

* Separation anxiety

* Pooping when the owner is away

* Pooping on the owners pillow

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Excessive emotionality

* Screaming when a collar or harness is put over the head

* Skittishness

* Snapping when startled

* Fearfulness of strangers

* Having a melt down when the owner leaves the room

* Screaming when left alone

* Separation anxiety

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Does not listen

* Grabs items and runs away with them

* Snaps when items are taken away

* Leash pulling

* Leash aggression to other dogs

* Lunging at other dogs

* Excessive whining

* Counter surfing

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Jumping up

* Does not listen

* Pulls on leash when walking with the kids

* Chases kids while they are active and playing

* Grabs anything and runs away with it

* Jumps on the furniture

* Takes the kids toys

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Puppy biting

* Potty training

* Won't use a crate

* Crying at night

* Leash walking

* Adjustment to older dog already in the home

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Separation anxiety

* Getting into the trash when left alone

* Peeing on the owner's bed

* Going through windows when left alone

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Extreme submission

* Peeing when greeted by strangers

* Crawling on her belly toward her owners

* Not walking on a leash had to be dragged

* Hiding behind the couch when visitors arrive

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* refusal to come when called when on the beach

* would not stay with owner when on the beach

* jumping up on people

* pulling on the leash

* counter surfing

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Leash aggression

* Lunging at other dogs

* Biting when items are taken away

* Snapping at the grandchildren

* Refusing to get off the couch

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Barking when strangers come to the door

* Pulling on leash

* Barking at other dogs on a walk

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Mike Graf Mike Graf


What a Zoom meeting was able to fix:

* Destruction in the house

* Counter surfing

* Pulling on leash

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